Monday, June 1, 2009

TomTom IQ Routes™ - How it works ?

We all know traffic is different during a Monday morning rush hour from a lazy Sunday afternoon. We all want the best shortcuts to bring us to our destination in the fastest way possible. But heavy traffic, speed bumps, traffic lights, roundabouts and even schoolchildren or shopping crowds can slow you down. That handy shortcut you’re looking for varies depending on time and day. Which means your shortest route isn’t necessarily going to be the fastest all the time!

Let’s take an example:
The standard shortest route from London Commercial Road, to Gloucester Terrace at a relatively quiet time, and without any hold-ups, should take you 20 minutes (screen 1).

However, that same shortest route will typically take you 29 minutes during a busier period (reality) (screen 2).

Using ‘local knowledge’ gained from the actual travel experiences of thousands of TomTom users on these very roads, IQ Routes™ instantly works out your optimal route from London Commercial Road, to Gloucester Terrace. It also calculates your realistic journey time, based on real speeds people are able to drive, not just speed limits. (screen 3)

As you can see, in this case your route is now 0.7 kilometre longer, but will save you 3 minutes (and a good deal of stress!). Now that’s a shortcut!

A real difference
3 Minutes may not sound much, but it’s over 10% off your journey time. Just consider for a moment how much time that will save you over a whole year… Exactly! And it’s not just urban driving. Whether its roundabouts, crossroads, schoolchildren or just good old-fashioned congestion. Anywhere the traffic flow can vary, IQ Routes can make a real difference.

How it works
Millions of TomTom users worldwide voluntarily provide us with anonymous historical speed-data from each of their journeys every time they connect their device to TomTom HOME .

As a result, TomTom now has a huge database, containing billions of miles of real customer driving experience, collected over the years from more than 7 million TomTom users.

Using this data, TomTom’s unique IQ Routes™ technology calculates your optimal route. This route is based on actual speed data driven on roads, not just maximum speed limits, taking into account any hold-ups that might slow you down (busy junctions, zebra crossings and even shopping crowds).

This data enhances the quality of TomTom navigation across the board, but is particularly helpful in improving the quality of detailed routing we give you for the specific time of day and day of the week of your chosen trip.

Drive like local
So even if you drive through unfamiliar areas, you still can drive like a local by knowing the short cuts that are based on the collective driving experience of millions of TomTom users.

Did you know?
IQ Routes™ technology gives you a faster route for up to 35% of all your journeys.

And don’t forget: IQ Routes™ is just one of many groundbreaking TomTom technologies that make your journey quicker, easier, safer, more predictable and less stressful.

Find TomTom IQ Routes Products Now


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